베트남) 나무 밀수 트럭 제지하려던 교통경찰.gif

리자 2019.07.29 15:18:52 예약발행 일시: 회원만 열람:



(GT) According to this position, PM 27/7, Kong Chro district received a report from a group of people who use the wood shipping cars smuggled from out of town in Kong Chro. 
After that, the district organized block Chro Kong route. At this point, a TRAFFIC POLICE task in Kong Chro district spotted the car cars bearing the BKS: 60 k-7065 runs at high speed has the expression in question should be asked to stop the car to check.

However, the driver does not accept that throttle running straight toward the town of An Khe led the task force must cling to chase.
When to Km 13   500 on the highway 667 in Hamlet 5, Kong Yang Harvester, straight tone of public service vehicles to smuggle district Kong Chro district are coordinated to prevent getting this car makes Captain Nguyen Duc Nha (in district TRAFFIC POLICE detachment) was seriously injured. 
At the scene, two cars were damaged. Test on vehicles with 200 kg rosewood and sandalwood.